SPEKTRE Eyewear // Design of Milan, craft of Italy.
A FINE INSPIRATION Contemporary, enigmatic with a fine elegant shape. SPEKTRE collection wants to be a tribute to any form of high...

我們需要多少藍光?該用什麼方法及在什麼時候阻擋藍光以保護自己? 關於藍光的好處和壞處眾說紛紜,一方面,藍光在抵抗冬季帶來的沮喪感覺和失眠問題時是很好用的工具,另一方面,藍光有可能對肉眼造成永久損傷。我們到底該如何看待藍光?我們每天經歷的人造光線發生哪些轉變?了解為何人體需要...

One Frame to Tame Them All
Introducing: Lucy of Syracuse There's always that favorite ONE pair of Jeans, most comfortable ONE pair of sneakers, ONE sexiest black...

Glasses Cleaning Tutorial
Wearing glasses can prevent you from touching your eyes directly, and help eliminate bacteria from going into your eyes. Cleaning your...

Pink eye may be a rare symptom of coronavirus, doctors say.
It's possible ophthalmologists may be the first doctors to see patients who are possibly infected with COVID-19. The new coronavirus can...

Coronavirus Eye Safety
Experts say guarding your eyes — as well as your hands and mouth — can slow the spread of coronavirus. Here’s why it's important to...

Many eyewear brands like to emphasize their close relationship to art. But hardly any brand creates a symbiosis between art and eyewear...

首先判断是真性近视还是假性近视 假性近视无需佩戴眼镜 真性近视戴眼镜不会让眼睛度数加深 近年来,儿童近视的问题日益严重,甚至不少幼儿园宝宝,也开始戴起了眼镜。两三岁的宝宝戴着一副眼镜,外人看来还蛮可爱的,但站在家长的角度,就是一种煎熬啊。...

古著風格 - Boston Club
BOSTON CLUB 是BOSTON CLUB CO.,LTD於 1984 年成立之時就推出的眼鏡品牌, BOSTON CLUB 以符合時下的思維,重新設計在1980年代非常經典並且具有指標性的風格款式。品牌設計除了自由與經典並存的雕刻金屬框外,也有附帶功能性前掛設計的板...

近视600度以上的叫做高度近视,有些人对高度近视不以为然,不就是度数高点嘛,也不明白高度近视的危害。这几条常识,送给高度近视朋友。 1、高度近视者眼睛被拉长了 通常,近视度数越高的话,眼球就会被(拉)得越长,高度近视眼患者的眼球会前后径变长,就像乒乓球被拉成了鸡蛋的形状一样...